Orange County Department of Education

Williams Settlement Legislation

Williams Settlement Legislation - An Opportunity to Further Equity

The Williams Settlement Legislation aligns with the goals of equity of educational opportunity and closing the achievement gap in California. The laws seek to ensure that all students have equal access to the basics of a quality education: textbooks and instructional materials, safe and decent school facilities and qualified teachers.

While all schools in California must maintain compliance with Williams Settlement Legislation, county superintendents of schools are required to monitor and report on schools eligible for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) and Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) based on the 2019 California School Dashboard; and/or schools with fifteen percent or more teachers who did not possess a valid and clear or preliminary teaching credential in 2020-2021. The California Department of Education (CDE) provides the list of schools throughout the state that are eligible for monitoring. County superintendents and their staff are responsible for:

  • Conducting annual visits of the Orange County Williams Legislation Monitoring List during the first four weeks of the school year to determine the sufficiency of textbooks and instructional materials in the core subject areas of English language arts, mathematics, science, and history-social science for elementary and secondary schools, and foreign language and health for secondary schools only

  • Conducting school facility inspections to determine good repair status

  • Reporting data regarding teacher misassignments and vacancies

  • Verifying the accuracy of the School Accountability Report Card (SARC) relevant to instructional materials and facilities maintenance

  • Reporting findings annually to the governing board of each school district, the county board of education, and the county board of supervisors

Due Dates to Remember
October 31, 2023:
1st Quarter Report for Williams Uniform Complaint Due
January 31, 2024:
2nd Quarter Report for Williams Uniform Complaint Due
April 30, 2024:
3rd Quarter Report for Williams Uniform Complaint Due
July 31, 2024:
4th Quarter Report for Williams Uniform Complaint Due
Contact Us

Phone: (714) 966-4336

Fax: (714) 327-1371


200 Kalmus Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92626